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Understanding Transcreation – Part 2

This is part two of a series exploring the intricacies of transcreation. The first part is here: Understanding Transcreation part 1 6. Transcreation in Action: Real-world Successes The corporate landscape is rife with tales of brands that have expertly harnessed the power of transcreation, transforming potential pitfalls into global triumphs.

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Transcreation Planning

Understanding Transcreation – Part 1

1. Introduction When brands talk to people all over the world, they face a big challenge: making sure their message is clear and meaningful to everyone. Language is important, but it’s just one part of the whole story. This is where transcreation comes in. It’s like an art where you

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Understanding Creole Languages

Understanding Creole Languages

What is a Creole Language? Ah, creole languages – fascinating linguistic concoctions that they are. You see, a creole language is like a linguistic fusion dance, where different languages come together, simplify, mix, and eventually transform into something entirely new, complete with its own native speakers. And all of this

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CART Translation Services

How are Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) Services Used?

What are Communication Access Real-Time Translation  (CART) Services? CART (Communication Access Real-Time Translation) services are specialized solutions that provide real-time transcriptions of spoken content into written text. CART translators, also known as CART providers or captioners, use advanced technology and stenography techniques to accurately capture spoken words and convert them

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Why Is Technical Translation So Important?

  The technical translation process is one of the highest levels of professional translation. Subject matter expertise is required for technical documents to be accurately translated.  Every technical translator must meet the highest qualifications and standards before they are able to work with clients. What Are Technical Translation Services Technical

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Certified Language Services

How Certified Translation Services Are Helping Limited English Speakers

Some translated documents and official documents require certified translations in the United States. But what are certified translation services and what are the steps necessary to complete the process? American translators provide professional translation of the original document for many reasons such as: Who Can Certify a Translation for Official

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FAQ: What Do Translation Companies Offer?

Many businesses and organizations have international clients or users that speak multiple languages. High quality translations are making it easier to communicate which is helping to build stronger business relationships and strengthen communities.  Google translate and machine translation have become a popular and low cost way to meet the need

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